After the morning press meeting we re-assembled at 6 in the evening to have the official opening - or as they say in the art world - a vernissage.
We had a great turnout of friends, family and art lovers in a fantastic mix. Alot of our guests came to the Röhsska art museum for the first time and hopefully some will come back again. And maybe some of the Röhsska crowd might want to make it to a Hot Rod and Custom show in the future. Then we would have achieved one goal with the Juxtapod.
The Juxtapod looks stunning, even though we have a few things to do before actual start up. But it's an enormous effort that has been put in to get it to the museum in time, so we're proud and happy that it looks so darn good - and it sure makes people smile! And that's another goal achieved.
Regarding the pictures - I forgot to take s single picture last night and have to make do with what Axel, my son, took after he shanghaied my iPhone. I'll try to get hold of some more and better so I can show some more of this great evening.