Th Juxtapod and it's two main creators (there's a bunch more including Blaster, Krantz, Micke at M&M) at Automässan late january 2011.
Less than a year ago...
Th Juxtapod and it's two main creators (there's a bunch more including Blaster, Krantz, Micke at M&M) at Automässan late january 2011.
Juxtapod on Kustomrama! Check it out

The great Kustom forum Kustomrama were kind enough to do a piece on the Juxtapod. It's one of a thousand good reasons to spend some time there. There are neat pics. from start to finish (well it ain't real finished yet) of the project.
Thanks Sondre for your time and effort to write about the Juxtapod.
The Jux on film- how kool aint that!
NEW! MAD FABRICATORS VOLUME 6 from Piero Deluca on Vimeo.
I'm stoked! at 1.16 on this sweet little teaser clip the Juxtapod surprisingly appears! Yeah! I need to get this awsomeness real fast! And also Martins roadster can be seen from the Jokers show. I need to git some!
Ludvigs skull?

Don't know if it is, but he makes the koolest skulls of em all. Found this image in the FUCT blogg and swiped it without any hesitation. It's a great blogg by the way and it's a swell brand run by some real people as far as I could tell. Havent really been there before and was quite amazed. It gave me a big smile and I'll sure be back for inspiration and the sheer happiness of seeing a brand and idea that seems to do what they please without worrying to much about anything... In a small way exactly what made us do the Juxtapod. Let's just do what we feel like and worry about why we shouldn't when we already done it.
And if you FUCT dudes disapprove of me using the pic. just let me know and I'll...
By the way got to the FUCT homepage and check out the intro... its so darn good!
Sabina kickin' back om the Jux
From V8 Magazine in Finland I got this pic. of the super sweet Sabina Kelley and the Juxtapod. The V8 crew did a shoot right of when the Jux was rolled into the show arena. Unfortunately I want there to assist... But I got a little squeezie when I walked up the podium to receive the price which the aforementioned super pinup model actually awarded our ice-blue ride. It was her favourite in the show. She smelled like strawberry and Iike... sweat...
Soft packages suck
As far as christmas presents go the hard ones were almost more exciting as a kid. Checking them out in secret the night before christmas, shaking them and wondering what was there. Today going into the garage the Jux kinda resembled a big great chistmans gift for 2012. Me and Ludvig got some plans and hopes for next year. California is in those dreams, even though it seems quite far away today... and it is actually.
This year has been exiting with shows at museums and prices and cups and kustom celebrities in Helsinki. The Jux has been at some trade shows for our great and super positive sponsor Tyrolit and there will be more next year. And hopefully we'll get to finish up some minor last details with the car.
And last but not least I hope and plan to get back to some kind of more up tempo activity on the blog. These last months have been kinda slow in this part of life but incredibly much more hectic in the more day to day making a living part of life. And I always had the rule that this stuff is for fun and exitement and not for pressure and demands and normal life bullshit- so it is what it is - and will be what it will be.
Seasons greeting and most of all - Mrs Maher, you're in my thoughts! As well as all "kin" at Scavengers Choice!
Now in Trollhättan
Nice writing!
Feel the Heath...
Just about 9 months ago... And at that point there was tons of work left and the swedish version of SEMA (but way smaller) to exhibit at. And there promise that the Juxtapod would be ready for show in late march...
And for anybody that wants to see some from the build and process of the Juxtapod as well as the premiere showing at the Röhsska Art Museum you can find this in the 1 hour documentary about Ludvig (and his partner Åsa, also artist at Kosta Boda) which can be found online at under the heading - Hanteras varsamt (handle with care in swedish, that is). It's a beautiful film about much more than The Jux, even though it's my favourite part...
Sabina and The Juxtapod are...

...appearing in a Finnish car magaziane soon. The V8 magazine did a photoshoot last friday night as we were rolling into the exhibition grounds. The result will appear in print real soon I understand. It's an honour and a real neat thing to have beautiful Sabina in the picture, so to speak. My highest hopes are for the Juxtapod to hook up with her again, but next time stateside... and then preferably in sweet Cali.
And if anyone out there reading this blog might see a commercial reason - fun, profit or just for the hell of it - to join forces (and resources then) and to go to Cali as a Juxtapod partner - please get in touch with me/us! We're out to conquer the world you see!!! (or more precisely - to have fun and and a great experience!).
Super kool!
The Roadster as well as its builder and painter Gunnar Widå made the X-treme Car Show a real fun time. Me being a beginner and a first timer in this kinda environment the people you meet either make or break your experience- Gunnar and friends like Jan and Tone made my weekend in Helsinki. And the Roadster was justly awarded a price also.
Things that make you go hmmmm...
Low and mean - not ratty but raw - attitude in bunches.
actually this is the stylee Ludvig and I statrted out talking about. The contrast between the real rawness of the car and the clearness and fragility of glass/crystal was a Juxtapose if any. But adding Mattias to the picture and a lost weekend in Wolfs Island changed all that. We went from blinged up greaser bad boy to a 60's show princess (with muscle). We went from a reasonably sane project to a .... well you've seen it.
But this with rust and raw and low and mean and packed with power still needs to be adressed... in some way, some time...
Sabinas choice...

...was the Juxtapod. And therfore she had to put up with a hug from me. She did a shoot with the Juxtapod friday night before I got to the venue so I'm definately looking forward to see some from it. And hopefullly I might be able to post some images here. So all the reasons to stay tuned.
And if anyone went to the X-treme and saw the Juxtapod live it would be great with some comments and reflections on this blogg. good and bad, nice and not so nice... anything. We wanna here from you!!!
lotsa people with happy faces around the Juxtapod
4 cups brought home!
Well back home from the X-treme Car Show in Helsinki Finland I got to unpack the 4 price cups the Juxtapod was awarded. Being the first car show for the Juxtapod and for me personally too - it was great. I missed Mattias, Ludvig and Blaster alot but hopefully they'll be there for the next show. It's their talent and craft that has created this beauty of a car.
So what did we win then...
- Best Hotrod in show
- 2:ond in Peoplec Choice
- The John D'Agostino Hot Rod Award
- The Sabina Kelley Choice
Pretty sweet huh!
I'll be back shortly with more from the show.
Tomorrow we're of...
... if our pick up shows up. Till then sneak a peak at Mattias newly fabbed carb linkage. We're getting there in all sorts of ways. And hopefully we might have some neat new shows for the Juxtapod to reveal.
And once again If you need anything in the way of top-shelf kustom fabrication on two or four wheels you got to talk to LeBeef. That's if you dont settle for anything except the best.
Fresh from Wolfs Island
The Juxtapod on Swedish TV

In the evening of sept 23 swedish national TV (Yes there is such a thing and it's called SVT) the Juxtapod will show up along with alot on Ludvig as an artist as well as his partner in life, Åsa who also is an amazingly creative an kool artist working with crystal/glass.
I suppose the documentary will be available on in the interweb for anyone who might be interested and who does not have the priveledge of Swedish national TV.
Check it out. I probaly wont since I'll be on my way to the X-treme Carshow in Helsinki Finland.
The Juxtapod aint goin' there...

...anytime soon. But my good friend and club brother, Bengan, is there hangin out and I would sure like to go there to see some action. And I read about a legend that just passed away - Fritz Kott - who much like Burt Munro dedicated his motorin' life to make an old sidevalve run as fast as possible. In Fritz case its the dream mill of mine... a 54' Harley KH and he made this old piece do 274 km/h!!! Thanks MCM for this info, by the way.
Back at Wolfs island
Mattias skilled hands and craft will finish of some details before we go to Finland. After two exhibitions in Art museums we're now of to a car show. Which will be real fun. Maybe we'll stop of in Stockholm on the way back, but that's not decided as of yet. Carb linkage and fuel system and some work on door panels etc. is on the list.
Hopefully I'll be able to post some pics. of progress.
of to Finland soon
The Juxtapod in Växjö.

It really does itself justice in sunshine, porple and alot of visitors.
The Juxtapod is on the move...
And personally I got to share some quality time with three great ladies in their late 80's talking about the Juxtapod and hot rods in general at the After Work we had last thursday. Totally nice and inspiring!
Tomorrow we're of for a new two month stint, this time at the Växjö Art museum which is real exiting. And Växjö is right smack in the middle of the swedish crystal and art glass country o it should be a bit like coming home.
Why can't all packaging be as fun as this?
The Tyrolit crew at Röhsska
A page on the Juxtapod
the Juxt is stillon display at Röhsska and will be so untill the 12 of june. And there are rumours of some kinda happening on the 9th involving bar-b-que, soft drinks and bikes, babes and the odd Rod. And some fellas too... The art of street-mingling could be the theme.
Metal meets crystal version...
Form with function...

We're really looking forward to filling it with gas for the sole dual purpose of showing that it works fine and secondly to feed the mill so we can rev it. Be sure that we'll post that occasion when it happens.
As of now alot of people at teh Röhsska art museum have been able to experience the Juxtapod. Visitors, artists, students, kids and elders, clerks and businessmen, moms and dads, rich and poor. And most importantly people who like and know about rods and Kustoms as well as people who've never seen 'em or cared about them. And from reports most all get a big smile when the meet up with the Juxtapod!
Feels good!
Good in Technikolor...
Down with Ludvig...
And he is a pivotal person for the future of the swedish glass and crystal tradition and its future. Mark my word!
Three great pics... and more to come!

There are so many neat details on the car it's amazing. And I'll get my ass into gear and pick up the pace on this here blog.
We're now in the process of creating some real neat trade fair material for our main sponsor Tyrolit around the making of the Juxtapod and the Tyrolit products and support that was used.
It's going to be neat to see and a definate change in the manner of trade fairs.
I'll get back to show some of that.
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